Organisation is one of the most important skills to have as we juggle our way through our professional and personal lives. Woodforde group feels that there is not a clean-cut way of organisation that works for everyone but we are hoping that the below tips may help you unlock some helpful ways to stay or become more organised.
Decide on your goals
Whether this is something you do weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, you should always make a clear list of your goals and how you endeavour to achieve them. A lot of people feel that if they set a list of annual achievements and then break this down into monthly targets, they not only stay motivated but stay on track throughout the year. Whether you sit down with a pen & paper on your own, with your manager, family or maybe even a business coach, make sure you set realistic targets that you know mentally & physically you can manage whilst maintaining a clear balance between your personal and professional life.
Time management & prioritisation
When it comes to time management and prioritisation you should make sure you’re always mapping out your time generously. Provide yourself buffers when you’re mapping out your time for the week, and avoid setting back-to-back meetings unless it’s completely necessary. For your daily schedule, ensure you allocate downtime and even a time where you switch your devices to “do not disturb” mode and focus on clearing through the tasks you have dipped in and out of each day or for basic administration tasks that regularly get pushed to the bottom of your lists because they aren’t urgent. Don’t be afraid to find the most effective way for you to map out your time as there are so many ways to do it and everyone has their own preference. There are apps that can assist you with your time management or priority lists, email calendars or you can always have a written to-do list and calendar. It’s all about finding what’s the most beneficial for you.
Have a “me time” routine
It’s important to have an amount of time in your day where you do something that makes you truly happy! Schedule time into your daily routine where you focus on your own personal wellbeing by going for a walk with a friend or your dog, exercising, watching your favourite tv show or meditating. Whatever it is you choose we know that if you take the time for it as often as possible, you’ll feel better mentally for it and in turn, you will be more productive in all aspects of your life.
Prepare yourself for the week ahead
Sometimes Mondays can feel overwhelming. It’s important to take the time ahead of Monday morning to sit down and go over your schedule for the week ahead. Make a priority list and maybe even write down 3 personal and 3 professional goals for the week that you’d like to focus on and having set that intention can be a very powerful tool for success in the week ahead.